At the Hakudakan we consider a belt to be a by product from consistent high quality training rather than a specific goal to aim for. A belt indicates that a student has met the requirements of the Hakudkan syllabus. We don’t tend to do gradings at regular intervals, the students are regularly assessed during training and when the Sensei feel the student had progressed to the level required a grading will be arranged. This does not mean a student cant fail! it merely means that the required skill level has been achieved.
A number of factors are taken into account when a student is assessed, ability, age, character, time served, attitude, commitment, etiquette and of course a high level of skill is expected. At senior level a students ability to teach and facilitate learning is also assessed and students character both inside and outside the dojo is always taken into account. To be a Hakudakan member is a privilege not a right.
At the grading the student is pressure tested to make sure that the techniques can be performed under stressful conditions to simulate the adrenal dump and pressure felt in a real combat situation.
Rules of the Dojo
Only belts that have been issued or authorised by the Hakudakan can be worn in the Hakudakan dojo.You should arrive at the dojo, be changed and ready to help with any dojo preparations 15 minutes before the lesson. Lateness is unacceptable as it is insulting to the dojo. If you have sound reason for your lateness speak to your Sensei – allowance is readily made for family commitments etc. provided this concession is not abused.
If you are late, bow into the dojo and wait to be invited into the training area.
Eating and drinking and smoking is not permitted in the dojo; regular water breaks are provided but must be taken away from the training area.
Hakudakan Black belts will be referred to as ‘Sensei’ during training sessions.
All students are expected to assist in the preparation of the dojo.
Training equipment such as pads and mats must always be placed so that the top or striking surface does not come into contact with floor or other dirty surfaces.
Mat Etiquette
Talking while a Sensei or Sempai is teaching is unacceptable behaviour.
Students should stop immediately when “yame” is called, for safety and respect.
Ju-Jitsuka should rei (bow) on the following occasions:
When entering or leaving the Dojo.
When going onto or off the mats.
When acknowledged by or addressing a senior or sensei.
When commencing or finishing training with a partner.
You may not enter or leave the mat area or dojo without the permission of the sensei.
Always wipe your feet before entering the dojo or going onto the mats.
If your Gi needs adjusting, bow to your partner and drop to one knee before making the adjustment.
Finger and toe nails must always be kept short.
Dress Code
Your Gi should be a plain black Gi with the correct badges.
Your Gi must always be laundered and in good repair.
In the dojo you must wear either the full Gi or street clothes – ‘half and half’ is not acceptable. Outside the dojo you should conceal your Gi in general, and your belt in particular. It is not considered appropriate to display your uniform anywhere other than in the dojo or when participating in a public display.
Females should wear a dark black tee shirt under their Gi.
Males may wear a similar shirt in the event of having sustained an injury to the upper body. Males must wear an approved groin guard at all times when training.
It is strongly advised that females should wear a bust guard and/or groin protector.